Is there an updated version of “the chicken & the egg” metaphor?
We tell stories to perpetuate a point and we ask insecure questions to get closer to a point unknown…
We trust others based off our perspective of safety and mistrust those that cause us to grow regardless.
I’m beginning to understand that questions are also distractions that may lead us to dead ends, further from the point than any one originally intends or can comprehend.
If one can never truly move further or closer to the point, then we must be still. And if the stillness is what reveals the point, then movement is the veil, though no charge connotation may accurately summarize the point of the veil.
So maybe within the point, we no longer think and we no longer question. The only reflection of the point is outward, which reintroduces the questions and the thoughts. The veil protects us in ways the point can not and the point is still to be determined.