Untitled because a title means there was a resolved thought.One of the main genus-types of high-altitude troposheric clouds one should know is Cirrocumulus. You know, the ones that look like someone…Dec 9, 2020Dec 9, 2020
Is there an updated version of “the chicken & the egg” metaphor?We tell stories to perpetuate a point and we ask insecure questions to get closer to a point unknown…Nov 24, 2020Nov 24, 2020
A Thursday Morning of ReflectionThe most beautiful house in the neighborhood is the most poignant kind of subtle. As you approach, a sense of awe is created, mesmorized…Nov 19, 2020Nov 19, 2020
thoughts that may connectBefore you were born, you were intertwined with all you’ve ever been. The themes, pains, loves and survival instincts of the all the…Nov 17, 2020Nov 17, 2020
Nation Of ProcrastiThere are a million things I’d rather do than work at my desk, at home, during a pandemic.Nov 11, 2020Nov 11, 2020
‘Dawson’s Creek’ Inspired Repressed Teen Angst Release 001I’m nervous as fuck to feel anything new and up-coming. I’m scared to ask for feedback; and even worse is to think of receiving it. I wish…Nov 11, 2020Nov 11, 2020
Happy One Year Of Unintentional ContentmentA year ago exactly, I was having sex for the last time for the unforseeable future. It was sufficient and my partner looked like a Greek…Nov 11, 2020Nov 11, 2020